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Borneo Research Council大会のお知らせ


マレーシア・サラワク大学・東アジア研究所のJames Chin所長から,




The Eighth Biennial Conference of the Borneo Research Council (BRC)
will take place in Kuching, Sarawak from July 31 to 1 August 2006. It
will be jointly organised by BRC and the Institute of East Asian
Studies (IEAS), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). The theme will
be "Borneo in the New Century".

Call for Papers

Participants are invited to submit papers presenting original research
in any field relating to Borneo Studies. Borneo refers to Sabah,
Brunei, Sarawak, Kalimantan and its surrounding region.
Individual papers and Proposals for panels are especially welcome. Each
panel (max four
papers) will be allocated 90 minutes.

Paper abstracts, no longer than 100 words, must be submitted by email
before 1 May to: Jchin@ieas.unimas.my or James.chin@lycos.com

On your abstract please indicate the following:
- title of paper
- author(s)
- contact details for the author(s)
- short biodata of author(s) (not more than 100 words)

Final Papers should be submitted electronically in Word or PDF format.

-- Papers should not exceed 6000 word in length, and should be 1.5 spaced.
-- Recommended Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
-- The paper should include the abstract at the top.
-- Author(s) and address information should be given on a separate sheet.

All papers submitted before the deadline of 1 July 2006 will be
included in the proceedings.


Submission of Abstracts: 1 May 2006
Submission of Papers: 1 July 2006
Pre-conference Registration: 1 July 2006

More details: www.borneoresearchcouncil.org



この一覧は、次のエントリーを参照しています: Borneo Research Council大会のお知らせ: