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Professor Dr. John Bintliff
(Chair of Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology, Leiden University, the Netherlands)
“Constantinople-Istanbul and its Incorporation into the Modern World System from the 11th-20th centuries AD”

The ancient, medieval and early modern imperial capital of Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul was one of the greatest world cities and remains today one of the giant megalopolis of the Mediterranean lands. Famous for its Early Christian churches and Ottoman mosques, it also forms a case-study of the penetration, subversion and incorporation of a city and its civilization into the ever-expanding world of global capitalism and related Western Imperialism, beginning with the source of Capitalism in Medieval Italy. This lecture-seminar will link the material world of this historic city (town-plans, monuments and private homes), with the history of the city as it passes through these dramatic, outwardly-imposed transformations.

John Bintliff(ジョン・ビントリフ)
1949年ロンドン生まれ。Cambridge University にて博士号を取得後、Department of Archaeological Sciences, Bradford University および Department of Archaeology, University of Durham 等にて研究教育活動に携わる。1999年より現職。専門は先史から近世までのギリシャ考古学。考古・歴史理論や歴史学への造詣も深く、The Annales School and Archaeology (Leicester University Press, 1991), Structure and Contingency in the Evolution of Life, Human Evolution and Human History. With a Foreword by S.J. Gould (Cassell, London, 1999) などの編著で知られる。最新の著作に J.L. Bintliff, ed. The Blackwell Companion to Archaeology (Blackwell Books, Oxford and New York, 2004) がある。

■日時 2005年4月 22日(金) 18:00〜20:30

■会場 待兼山会館(大阪大学職員会館)2F 会議室




