5th EuroSEASのお知らせ
Professor, Hosei University
Dear colleagues,
the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) will
hold its next conference from 12 to 15 September 2007. The venue of
the conference is the University of Naples 'The Oriental'. All
practical information will be available on the new EuroSEAS website,
which will be online in July: www.euroseas.org.
The conference will keep the same format of previous (successful)
editions. We expect the participation of about 500 scholars from
Europe, Southeast Asia and the rest of the world (i.e., colleagues
from other regions are most welcome). The conference will start
Wednesday, 12 September in the morning and will end on Saturday, 15
September before lunch. We will limit the plenary sessions to one or
two major events (plus social activities in the evening), while the
rest of the time will be used for panels. On the basis of previous
experiences we expect to have around 30-35 panels.
This message is intended as Call for Panels. The deadline for
submitting panel proposals is 10 September 2006. Panel proposals can
include a preliminary list of papers, but the call for papers will
have as the final deadline 1 March 2007. (If panels do not have
enough paper proposed by March, the EuroSEAS Board will coordinate
with panels promoters e.g., merging those panels with others). That is:
Call for Panels - deadline 10 September 2006
Call for Papers - deadline 1 March 2007
Please feel free to use the EuroSEAS mailing list to promote your
panel and to coordinate with other colleagues (but please avoid
sending messages intended only for one person). To join the list,
send a message to: euroseas-subscribe@yahoogroups.com, with a couple
of lines of self-introduction (to keep spamming out).
The conference will cover a wide range of topics in all fields of
social sciences and humanities with Southeast Asia as a focus. Panels
can also compare Southeast Asian cases with other countries and
regions, e.g., bringing in the experience of colleagues working on
other countries (particularly other Asian countries).
The conference will try to address through its various panels also
the fundamental question for an association like our. That is, what
is the role of area studies today? We believe that, especially in a
period marked by dramatic international events, there is a strong
need for a nuanced understanding of different cultures and that a one-
size-fit-all approach cannot function in disciplinary terms.
Nevertheless, many of our colleagues face crisis situations, with
department being downsized or closed completely. Since one of the
criticisms towards area studies is that they are weak
methodologically, we want to bring this issue within the conference.
Panels may invite colleagues working on other regions of the world or
from a disciplinary perspective rather than from an area study
perspective. The aim is to make Southeast Asian studies well
integrated within their respective disciplinary communities without
loosing the precious specificity and value.
This year the conference will not include a 'Young scholars panel'.
The idea is to try to bring in our young colleagues into the regular
panels. This means that panels organizers are kindly requested to
take into consideration this aim and young scholars are kindly
invited not to be (too) shy!
The conference fee will be announced on the new website in a couple
of weeks and will be in the order of ?180, as usual with discounts
for EuroSEAS members, students and Southeast Asian colleagues. During
last conference (Paris 2004), we were able to sponsor the
participation of a large number of Asian colleagues through a
generous financial contribution we received from ASEF. This year it
is unlikely that ASEF will be able to contribute in the same way. We
are still searching for other ways of supporting Asian colleagues.
However, our Southeast Asian friends are kindly encouraged to explore
other ways to support their participation by applying to local
sources (including international foundations).
Information on hotels and accommodations will be provided through our
website in July.
The contact person for information (but please wait until the website
is on, as it will address many or your possible queries), is Dr
Michela Cerimele. The email address is: euroseas2007@gmail.com
Best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Naples
Pietro Masina
EuroSEAS Secretary and conference convener