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総務担当理事 内藤 耕(東海大学)


SEASREP (Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program) invites
scholars in Southeast Asian studies to submit papers for the forthcoming
international conference on Southeast Asia, A Global Crossroads, to be
held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 8-9 December 2005. Full details are on the
following website: http://conference.seasrepfoundation.org/index.htm

Scholars are invited to submit proposals for individual papers and
organized panels. The deadline for the submission of proposals is on 30
July 2005, and for full papers (only for presenters receiving travel
grants), 30 October 2005.

For individual papers, please provide the title, 250-word abstract, name
and affiliation, and contact details. Individual presentations should run
no longer than 15-20 minutes, excluding time for questions. To submit a
proposal, please apply on-line.

Organized panels should consist of four paper readers and one moderator.
Please provide a title, brief description of the panel, 250-word abstracts
for each paper, and the names and institutional affiliations of all panel
participants, except for the moderator, whom the organizers can provide.
Each panel is allotted 1 ½ hours, inclusive of open forum. Please submit
the panel proposal to seasrep@maynila.com.ph.

In addition to the foregoing, SEASREP has organized several panels, some
of which need paper presenters.

Papers for the following SEASREP panels are needed. Applicants should
complete the registration form.

Tradition and Border Crossings: The Creation of Contemporary Performance
in Southeast Asia

Transnational Migration and the Social Aspects of Remittances in Southeast

New Media, Pop Cultures, In(ter) Asia

Reconstructing the Nation-States in Southeast Asia

Transborder Migration and Religion

"Local Histories" of Southeast Asian Studies

Youthful Politics and the Politics of Youth

Construction of Identity among Social Groups

Women in the Face of Poverty

Local and Regional Economic Histories

For inquiries, please contact the Secretariat at seasrep@maynila.com.ph.