Seminar: Time, Space, and Economic Institutions of Early-Modern Maritime Asia
講演者のお二人は、大阪大学21世紀COEプログラム<インターフェイスの人文学>・国立シンガポール大学アジア研究所共催による国際ワークショップ「躍動する周縁と開かれた中心−相互交渉の場(インターフェイス)としての海域アジア−」に参加されるのを機会に、ご来阪くださることとなりました。ビン・ウォン教授はカリフォルニア学派の代表的論客として著名ですが、主著_China Transformed_ (1997)ほか多くの著作を通じて、清代社会経済史のみならずグローバル経済史研究に大きな影響を与えています。また、ソウザ教授はヨーロッパ拡張史の名著_The Survival of Empire_ (1986)の著者であり、その浩瀚な知識と多言語史料を自在に駆使する手堅い実証に基づく著述で、海域アジア史研究を牽引しています。
日時: 2006年10月30日(月)15:00〜18:00
題目: Time, Space, and Economic Institutions of Early-Modern Maritime Asia
言語: 報告は英語で行われます
会場: 大阪大学豊中キャンパス内待兼山会館2階会議室
Lecture 1:
Roy Bin Wong (Director, UCLA Asia Institute and Professor of History)
"Maritime Asia's Economic Institutions in Regional and Global Spaces"
Scholars often distinguish between regional and global phenomena according to the spatial span of connections that their topics involve.
This paper looks more specifically at the kinds of economic institutions within East and Southeast Asia since roughly 1500, as well as those utilized by actors coming into the region from beyond. The paper seeks a preliminary assessment of how different kinds of economic institutions do and do not converge (and over what spatial scales). It
concludes by suggesting ways convergence of economic institutions does (and does not) matter.
Lecture 2:
George Bryan Souza
"On Sea, on Land"
"On Sea, on Land" deals with Professor Souza's present research and publishing project, which is a global history of the political economy of commerce and commodities in Asia, especially Southeast Asia, and the World in the early modern period. The genesis, scope, sources, approach, organization, tentative findings, and status of this project will be discussed.
In the traditional narrow description of this project, "On Sea, on Land" is an economic and cultural history of the encounters of Asian commodities in Southeast, East, and South Asia, Europe, and America and a history of European expansion in Asia. It investigates the praxis and theory of commerce and commodities in Asia from the local to the global by examining the structure and composition of one colonial port city market at Batavia and the individual social and economic biographies of the two most important revenue producing commodities sold by the Dutch East India Company on Java over the long eighteenth century (1684-1796), Bengal opium and Sri Lankan cinnamon. It juxtaposes an abstract concept ? the market ? and inanimate objects ? commodities ? with the dichotomy of human agency of merchants, European and Asian, their networks and economic (maritime and terrestrial) activities, cross-cultural inter-actions, and performances at Batavia over the period. It also touc!
hes upon early modern European and Asian ideas, theoretical conceptions and their practice and implementation of markets, monopoly and mercantilism in early modern Asia, Europe and America.
In a more broadly conceived intellectual context, "On Sea, on Land" deals with space and time. It argues that the examination of the organization of space and resources over time should be treated holistically. It also observes that space is being compressed by time. And the marked intensification in the compression of space by time is an important element in the historical definition of globalization.