Fw: Myanmar History from Myanmar Perspectives
今般、ミャンマー(在ヤンゴン)のSEAMEO CHAT(東南アジア教育大臣機構:歴史・伝統地域センタ-)より、来る10月23日より同11月3日まで、同センタ-で特別プログラム(テーマ:Myannmar History from Myanmar Perspectives)の開催を企画しているので、関係方面に周知願いたい旨の連絡を受けましたので、お知らせ致します。特にミャンマー史にご関心ある方は添付資料をご覧の上、直接SEAMEO事務局にご照会乃至お申し込み頂ければ幸いに存じます。
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 10:06 AM
Subject: Myanmar History from Myanmar Perspectives
Dear Sayagyi Okudaira,
SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition (SEAMEO CHAT) is planning to conduct the Special Programme: Myanmar History from Myanmar Perspectives from 23 October to 3 November 2006.
Attached herewith are Registration Form, the details of the Programme and Curriculum Vitae Form. We will greatly appreciate your kind assistance in disseminating information about this Programme to the organizations in your country and your colleagues.
Please visit our website for details at http://www.seameochat.org
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely yours,
Carole Ann Chit Tha
Deputy Director
Myanmar history is viewed differently by different people and there are many perspectives and interpretations of Myanmar history but the perspectives and interpretations of Myanmar scholars are not too well known because Myanmar scholars publish mostly in the Myanmar language. The SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition (SEAMEO CHAT) has a role in putting together a picture of Myanmar's past, its development, and its mosaic of cultures and traditions, especially their strengths and weaknesses and ability to adapt in changing circumstances, as seen from the perspectives of the present community of scholars in the country.
I. Nature of the Programme
The programme will run for twelve-day from 23 October to 3 November 2006 and will consist of a series of lectures and discussions conducted by prominent Myanmar scholars and a nine-day trip to the historical cities of Bago, Mandalay, Bagan and Pyay.
II. Lecture Topics
Overview of Myanmar History
Source Materials of Myanmar History
Myanmar before Bagan
Bagan : Buddhism
Bagan : Architecture
Hanthawaddy : Maritime Trade and Land Empire
Mandalay : The City
Mandalay : The Court
History of Yangon
Ancient Pyu Cities in Myanmar
III. Registration fee
Registration fee for the programme is US $ 950. This will cover accommodation, meals (breakfast, lunch, tea and coffee) and travel by coach to Bago, Mandalay, Bagan and Pyay, but will not cover medical services. (The option of air travel is available at an additional charge of US $ 240.) Participants are expected to make their own arrangements regarding international air travel.
IV. Registration
The Registration form and your Curriculum Vitae should be completed and returned to the following address by 31 July 2006.
SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition
Pyay Road
11041, Yangon
Phone : 95-01-515180 (9:30a.m.-4:30 p.m Myanmar time)
Fax : 095-1-515175
E-mail : seameo_chat@mptmail.net.mm
(Registration fee can be paid on your arrival.)