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*Japanese election and political families
**[[Cinii http://ci.nii.ac.jp/]] with pdf
-自民党派閥と政治家族 : 出世民主主義の危機
依田 博 Since mid-seventies, a number of the Diet members, especialy LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) Diet members, recruited from 'political families' has gradually increased. On the 39th General Election in 1 …
-政党派閥の比較研究 : その予備的考察
The Comparative Study of Political Factions : Some Preliminary Observations
村上 信一郎
Murakami Shinichiro
Department of International Relations
Journal of College of International Studies 3 pp.27-41 19870301 [目次]
-派閥連合組織, リーダーシップ, 分裂回避の戦術自民党の場合
依田 博
In this paper, I discuss the possibility applying the organizational model to analize coalitions within Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The crisis for LDP has been brought about through struggling for …
社会・経済システム (4), 24-29 ,19861101
-Japanese Articles of journals and magazines
**Japane Knowledge プラス
-Includes these resources
--dictionaries (Japanese, English-Japanese and Japanese-English)
--the Nihon dai hyakka zensho (Nipponica), a full text 30 vol. encyclopedia
--two dictionaries of current words: Imidas and Gendai yogo no kiso chishiki
--a biographical dictionary: Nihon jinmei daijiten, the JK Who's Who
--the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan
--a news database (NNA) that covers Asia and the European Union
--a full-text journal: Shukan ekonomisuto
--Edo meisho zukai
--full-text of books in the Toyo bunko series
--chronologies (world history, Japan by period, Japan by prefecture, science, culture, society,daily life, social movements, economics and for individuals)
--Eizo kiroku (moving image archive)
--URL database
--books in print database
**Other Overseas English database on Rikkyo
**[[Japan Center for Asian Historical Records http://www.jacar.go.jp/english/]]
-Resource from
--The National Archives of Japan
--The Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
--The Library of The National Institute for Defense Studies of the Ministry of Defense
**Google Scholar Jp