- 最後の更新で追加された行はこのように表示します。
- 最後の更新で削除された行は
*[[報告書 http://ow.ly/HvKX1]]
-16/08/2014 (Saturday)
--Arrive in Kuala Terengganu
---[[トレンガヌ州 http://www.tourismmalaysia.or.jp/region/east/terengganu.html]]
--Lunch and meeting between [[UMT http://www.umt.edu.my/index.php?go=]] and Rikkyo University Students
--Check in at [[Tawaquf inn https://www.facebook.com/TawaqufInn]]
-17/08/2014 (Sunday) 水着、サンダル持参で
--Depart for Bidong Island
--Water Confident
--Lunch at Bidong Island
--Historical trekking:- from UMT marine research station to ex-Vietnamese settlement
--Depart back to UMT
--[[pulau bidong http://ow.ly/3m6CuT]]
---TV3(難民の島から観光の島へ) http://ow.ly/3m6ErH
---カメラマン http://instagram.com/jeremyooi96
---Pulau Bidong -A boat people legacy- [[http://www.pulaubidong.org/]]
-18/08/2014 (Monday) 大学内なので露出は少なめに
--Attending 9th International Malaysian Studies Conference
--Attending 9th International Malaysian Studies Conference
--Back to the hotel
-19/08/2014 (Tuesday) 水着、サンダル持参。でも川で泳ぐのはなしで!
--Visit Kelah (Mahsheer) Sanctuary and Lasir Waterfall
--Lunch at Lasir Waterfall
--Kenyir Lake hopping
--- http://waterfallsofmalaysia.com/59kenyir.php
--Depart back to UMT
-20/08/2014 (Wednesday) 肌の露出少なめ、男性は襟のついた服で
--Presentation by the Chairman of the UMT Tourism Management Program
--Discussion about the potential collaboration between UMT-Rikkyo University
--Visit [[Islamic Civilization Park http://www.tti.com.my/]] and [[Terengganu Museum http://museum.terengganu.gov.my]]
--Lunch at Kuala Terengganu
--Visit Pasar Payang and Terengganu Water Front
--Dinner with UMT Vice Chancellor
-21/08/2014 (Thursday)
--Check-out from Tawaquf Inn
--Depart for Kuala Lumpur
-21:30 羽田空港国際ターミナル3F・Iカウンター集合
-東京・羽田 (HND) → クアラルンプール (KUL)
--往路 D7 523
---0610, 2014/08/16 2345, 2014/08/15
--復路 D7 522
---2230, 2014/08/21 1430, 2014/08/21
--往路 AK 6228
---1245, 2014/08/16 1150, 2014/08/16
--復路 AK 6225
---0915, 2014/08/21 0820, 2014/08/21
-名称: Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC)
-主催: マレーシア社会科学協会(Persatuan Sains Social Malaysia)
-MSC9 http://www.ukm.my/msc9/